Osmolality - One key attribute of any personal lube or vaginal moisturizer



The one and only role of moisturizing products is "TO MOISTURIZE".

Lube, vaginal moisturizer, moisturizing gel, anything that is born to water you.

However, instead of making your vaginal tissue moisturized, many moisturizing products actually dry it out!




One key attribute of any personal lube or moisturizer (or any other water-based product that goes inside of your vagina) is osmolality.

Which is, to put it so it is easily understood, how much does lube cause your vaginal or rectal skin to RELEASE ITS MOISTURE?

Our cells will lose or gain water depending on the kind of lubricant you introduce into your body, through a process called "osmosis".

The human vagina stays at around 300mOsm/kg. If a product has a lower osmolality than the cells of the body (hypo-osmotic),

it causes the cells of the body to pull water out of the lubricant,

and if a product has a higher osmolality than the cells (hyper-osmotic), the lubricant pulls water out of the body.







Thus, what products should we pick when we need to be moisturized?

In 2012. The World Health Organization recommended that lubricants not exceed more than 1200mOsm/kg.

If the product has a high level of osmolality, it dries out your membranes, causing irritation and a pH imbalance.

An imbalanced environment in your vagina or anus is fertile ground for all kinds of trouble.

Believe me, yeast infections are just the tip of the iceberg.

Choose a product with balanced pH and Osmolality of less than 1200mOs/kg to keep your vagina healthy!