Health problems as measured by changes to the female vagina

Health problems as measured by changes to the female vagina

Each organ in the body signals whenever there is a health problem. If you detect this signal well, you can detect it prior to the disease becoming much worse. The same is true of the female genitalia, the vagina. Various symptoms such as bleeding, increased secretion, and odor may manifest. It could also be an issue of the vagina itself, such as vaginitis and vaginal dryness, as well as problems with the bodily organs around the vagina. We will examine those health problems which can be measured through changes in quality.


Endometrial cancer

Endometrial cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the endometrium which makes up the inner wall of the uterus. It manifests with age, seen most women in their 50s after menopause. Endometrial cancer differs in terms of symptoms at the beginning and when the cancer has progressed to some extent. Sometimes there are no symptoms. It is advisable to recognize the main symptoms and, if you suspect cancer, to see a gynecologist.


Early symptoms of endometrial cancer

Vaginal bleeding due to irregular uterine bleeding / large menstrual flow / smelly vaginal discharge

Discomfort around the vulva / vaginal bleeding after menopause / vaginal bleeding after sex

Yellowish vaginal discharge / pressure on the pelvic area


Cervical asthenia

Cervical asthenia is a condition in which the cervix, the entrance to the uterus, is weak and does not allow for the maintenance of a pregnancy. The cause of this condition is still unknown. It occurs typically during middle pregnancy, at 20 to 24 weeks, which could cause preterm birth and miscarriage. Cervical ataxia is also reported to account for about 25% of miscarriages in the middle of pregnancy.



Vaginal cancer

Vaginal cancer is an uncommon condition. However, after being diagnosed with and treated for vaginal cancer, about 40% of patient’s relapse. Most women with vaginal cancer are postmenopausal. About 75% of women with vaginal cancer are over 50 years of age. The average patient age is about 69 years. The exact cause of vaginal cancer remains unknown. Precancerous stages before cervical and vulvar cancer progress are reported as major risk factors for vaginal cancer.


Vaginal dryness

A woman's vagina is moistened by the vaginal fluid secreted from the cervix (uterine neck), vagina, and vulva. The acidity and glucose content of the vaginal fluid varies depending on the hormonal changes between each menstrual cycle. >

Vaginal fluid secretion may vary depending upon a woman's physical condition, health problems, and living environment. When the lecel of vaginal fluid decreases, vaginal dryness occurs and leads to health issues such as pain and bacterial infection.

Vaginal dryness often occurs prior to and after menopause, when vaginal fluid secretion declines due to degradation of the female hormone estrogen



Bacterial vaginitis

The acidity in the female vagina is healthy when it is maintained at a range of pH 3.8-4.5. However, if this balance is broken and bacteria and fungi penetrate and reproduce, vaginitis may occur. One of the most common causes of women's gynecology is vaginitis.

Vaginitis problems don't just apply to the vagina. Potential complications include pelvic inflammatory disease, and pregnant women can be faced with premature amniotic fluid rupture and early labor.

The most common culprit of vaginitis is bacterial vaginosis, accounting for about 50% of cases. This is followed by Candida vaginitis 20-25% and Trichomonas vasculitis 15-15%. There are also some non-infectious forms of vaginitis.



Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer begins at the cervix, the entrance to the uterus. The main cause of cervical cancer is HPVhuman Papillomavirus infection. However, cervical cancer has become a preventable cancer with the development of the HPV vaccine. Cervical cancer gradually progresses to cancer over a long period of time. Therefore, early detection through regular inspections allows for it to be cured.


Pelvic organ prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse is caused by loosening of the muscles supporting the pelvis under the influence of pregnancy and childbirth. Due to this, organs around the pelvis, such as the rectum, uterus, and bladder, decline. They also sag through the vagina or escape from it. Multiple organs may also descend and sag at the same time.