The main cause of female infertility uterine endometriosis If severe pelvic pain and menstrual pain persist

Normally, menstrual pain and pelvic pain are severe, but many women endure it as a symptom of menstruation. However, if these symptoms are repeated, it is possible that it is uterine endometriosis. Endometriosis has more than doubled in the past 10 years in new patients.

It is said that due to the increase in patients with endometriosis, the marriage age of women increases and the period of menstruation due to the decrease in fertility rate increases. Environmental hormone exposure and increased fat intake also affect endometriosis.

Endometrial tissue spreads to various organs

The endometrium is the tissue surrounding the inside of the uterus. It is also where the fertilized egg is conceived. Endometrial tissues are mixed with menstrual blood and discharged during menstruation if they are not pregnant.

When the urine is full of 250~300ml, the urine feels dry and urine is discharged. The maximum capacity of the bladder is about 600 ml.

Endometriosis is an endometriosis that spreads out to the ovary, fallopian tubes, abdominal cavity, intestines, and bladder, and then multiplies out of the position where the endometrium should originally be.

Endometriosis causes many health problems. First is bleeding. Original menstruation is a symptom that occurs when the endometrium swells and shrinks. However, if endometrial cells spread elsewhere, the same action causes bleeding.

When endometrial cells spread to the ovaries, the ovaries bleed and create ovarian lumps. When spread to the fallopian tubes, they block the fallopian tubes and cause infertility. If you are in the peritoneum, the thin membrane that surrounds the inside of your abdominal cavity and your abdominal organs, it causes peritoneal adhesions that cause the peritoneum to stick, causing pain.


30-50% of endometriosis patients suffer from infertility

Endometriosis is a typical female disease that causes female infertility. It is reported that 30-50% of people with endometriosis are infertile. Endometriosis occurs especially in women of childbearing age in their 30s.

Endometriosis interferes with ovulation around the ovary, causing the fallopian tube to stick or hurt, thereby reducing the mobility of the fallopian tube. That's why if you have any symptoms of endometriosis, don't delay and seek medical attention.

If you experience repeated chronic pelvic pain or lower abdominal pain, severe bowel movements just before or during menstruation, you should suspect endometriosis.

Menstrual pain due to endometriosis is secondary, which occurs gradually in the late 20s, unlike primary dysmenorrhea that occurs from menarche. Endometriosis menstrual pain begins before menstruation, and is characterized by lasting throughout the period.

In addition, the sacrum, stomach pain, and pain during sex are also characteristic of endometriosis. The sacrum is a slightly flat, protruding bone just above the tailbone.

Endometriosis of the ovaries can be diagnosed by blood tests and ultrasound, but other areas are difficult to diagnose by ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The most accurate and reliable diagnostic method is a laparoscopic procedure in which the navel area is small and observed with an endoscope.


The most effective treatment is pregnancy, childbirth and lactation.

The best treatment for endometriosis is to increase the period of pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation, so that menstruation stops longer. However, late marriage and childbirth have led to worsening of endometriosis and increased fertility.

Medical treatment of endometriosis mainly includes drug treatment and surgical treatment. Drug therapies that can alleviate symptoms can cause menopause temporarily by taking or injecting painkillers, birth control pills, or luteinizing hormone.

The most effective treatment is laparoscopic surgery to remove all endometrial tissue from the ovaries and preserve healthy ovarian tissue as much as possible. Endometrial tissue in other areas is treated by excision or by electric burning.

Endometriosis has a high recurrence rate and is reported to recur in 40-50% 5 years after surgery. In this case, surgery or medication is performed again. If you have a pregnancy plan, getting pregnant is the best way to prevent recurrence, and the highest rate of pregnancy success in the first year after endometriosis surgery.

Endometriosis has a hereditary effect, so if you have endometriosis in your family, you should be interested.